Overview: Request Payment was designed to assist Trusted Advisors in administering and facilitating BOI Reporting for their clients. Depending on your practice, the offering of BOI Reporting may present a challenge in notifying and the collection of payment for BOI Services. SnapBOI uniquely resolves this by allowing Trusted Advisors to set their firm’s fee for BOI services and notify clients of a pending charge.
What is Request Payment?
Request Payment is a feature which allows Preparers to send clients requests for payment which is associated to a given BOI Report.
How is Request Payment different then allowing the client to pay upon filing?
Request Payment allows the Preparer to collect payments for BOI Reports en-masse. Request Payment makes it very easy for clients to pay for their BOI reports as it doesn’t require them to establish a user profile – they can simply follow a URL (link) they receive via email and make the payment.
How do I access Request Payment?
Request Payment may be accessed by Preparers when navigating to BOI Reports (on the navigation bar to the left). You may select one or more BOI Reports and choose the option “Request Payment” (upper right side). When doing so, you will encounter a popup which allows you to specify which Beneficial Owners you wish to send a Request Payment to.
Request Payment Workflow
Initial Request: Sending a Request Payment will trigger a notification to the Beneficial Owner (or whomever you designate to make payment) via an email message. The email will provide a unique link allowing the payee to click and pay for the report.
Reminder Notification: You may choose to send or trigger a reminder to client(s) in the event that they haven’t make a payment after the initial request. The reminder feature (function may be found by following the same process as sending initial requests) will become available to you once the initial request has had at least 24 hours to elapse. You may repeat this process every 24 hours.
Who can send a request?
Requests may only be sent from a principal preparer or preparer to an end-user and/or beneficial owner. Payment requests cannot be sent to principal preparers or preparers
Will the payee need to login in order to make a payment?
Payment may be made by a beneficial owner who does not possess a login (requestee won’t be prompted to login or create a login – similar to guest checkout)
Best Practices
Before using Request Payments, it’s important that you first notify your clients – using your own email and letting them know to expect an email. Doing so helps make this initiative more effective. In your communication, you should also point out that the email sender will be from notify@snapboi.com with a subject line of Request Payment | {Your Firm's Name}.
Please note that SnapBOI reserves the right to permanently suspend access to all email sending for partners whom are found to be sending unsolicited emails from the SnapBOI platform. For specific details please see more on email policy in your service agreement.